Copyright © 2020 by "St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, DuBois, IL" · All Rights reserved · E-Mail:
St. Charles Borromeo
Roman Catholic Church
223 S. 3rd St.
DuBois, IL 62831
Twelve Magnificent stained glass windows are installed on the sides of the main body of the church, and seven smaller ones surround the upper part of the sanctuary. Stained glass adorns domes of the church and the circular window at the front of the church as well as many smaller windows and doors.
Each of the large stained glass windows depicts a biblical or religious scene, some with an emblem, a religious emblem, or a saint. The name of the window donor is in the lower center of each window. The fourth window on the south side has a significant emblem related to the parish. It has 35 stars - one for each young man from the parish who served in World War 1. The one gold star represents the one man who did not return alive, Michael Czerniejewski Jr. Saints are featured in each of the sanctuary windows.
Click through to see a brief description of what is depicted on each of the windows. Click below on the numbers associated with the location of each window to see a larger picture of the window.
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